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PIMS Math2PowerQuantum: Quantum Computing Summer School

Organizers: Kristine Bauer (University of Calgary), Mehdi Bozzo-Rey (CRO, Distriq – Zone d’Innovation Quantique | Quantum Innovation Zone), Hausi Müller (University of Victoria), Steven Rayan (quanTA Centre / University of Saskatchewan)

The Math2Power Quantum summer school on quantum computing will be held across 2 days (May 29 and 30) in the lead up to the CMS Summer Meeting and is aimed at helping students in the mathematical sciences learn — through a combination of lectures and hands-on demonstrations — about the emerging fields of quantum computing and quantum information.  At the same time, the school will create opportunities for students to learn about industry opportunities in quantum computing.

Over the two days, students will receive a broad introduction to quantum computing and quantum information as well as specific, hands-on instruction in programming languages typically used in quantum computing (such as IBM Qiskit).  They will also learn about the emerging field of quantum security, including quantum-safe cryptographic schemes.

Limited travel funding may be available. More details will be released in the coming weeks!

Lecturers / Demonstrators: 


Anne Broadbent

(University Chair in Quantum Information Processing, University of Ottawa)


Jason Goertzen

(Cryptography Software Developer, SandboxAQ)


Amro Imam

(Quantum Education Resident, SandboxAQ)


Peter Yuen

Summer School TA

University of Ottawa


May 29th 

9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Lectures and Demonstrations

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Social Event and Career Panel


May 30th 

9:00 am to 5:00 pm - Lectures and Demonstrations


More details coming soon!


On-campus accommodation at a discounted rate is offered at Voyageur Place Dormitories (Athabasca Hall). Situated in the center of the University of Saskatchewan, these dormitories are conveniently close to the scenic Bowl, Marquis Hall, and other campus facilities. The rates are applicable from May 28th to June 3. For additional details, click here.


The rate includes two days of workshops, lunches, and a welcome reception
CMS Student Members $50 | Non Student Members $75


This summer school is generously sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, SandboxAQ, and the quanTA Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.

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